The Grace Baseball team is off to a great start. Their record is 5-2 after the first seven games, and they have shown signs of becoming a very good baseball team. The lineup has put a lot of runs across the plate led by seniors TJ Carlisle and Taylor McDonald, freshman Grant McDonald and 8th grader Bo Bailey. Catcher Bo Bailey leads the team in home runs while the McDonald brothers and TJ Carlisle are leading the team in batting average.
The Cougars pitching staff has performed very well led by senior Taylor McDonald, followed by freshman Jordan Davis and Grant McDonald, and 8th grader lefthander Anderson Bailey. This group of pitchers has found the secret to their success in throwing strikes and letting the defense do its' job. The Cougar team is quite young, and they have seen major contributions from underclassmen as well as the juniors and seniors on the roster. Kyle Harris and Brent Warr have done a stellar job in playing left and right field, while TJ Carlisle and Anderson Bailey alternate between centerfield and first base. Jim Whitehead has played a very steady second base, to help anchor an infield with Grant and Taylor McDonald at third base and shortstop. Article written by Ken Bailey.
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