Many thanks to our awesome 2011 Winter Festival committee for making this year's Winter Festival the best ever! All the new kids activites and games, the excellent student art show, the wonderful (huge) silent auction, the live auction, the cool GCA general store, the creative t-shirt, and the great food all came together to raise
over $42,000 for GCA.
This of course would not have been possible without all our sponors and the support of many of our local businesses as well as all the dedicated volunteers including classroom moms, supportive teachers, creative and helpful students and of course you - the parents and students that came out and shared your time, resources and money! WOW...What an excited time!!
Congratulations & Thank You to the following students that sold the most raffle tickets:
Jack Tuten - K3 & K4
Tommy Young - K5-5th
Carly Godwin - 6th - 8th
Brent Warr - 9th - 12th
Congratulations to the 2011 Raffle Winners:
Benelli Shotgun - Steve Gowan
Louis Vuitton Luggage - Shalonda Sanders
$1000.00 Cash - Marvin Thomas
Thank you to the following Sponsors:
Bainbridge Family Dentistry
Bishops Jewelers
Brentwood Plantation
Cedars Farm Plantation
Dairy Queen
Danimer Scientific
Decatur Auto Parts
Elberta Crate & Box
First Port City Bank
First State Bank
Live 101.9
Park Avenue Bank
Southern Triad Construction
Southwest GA Farm Credit
Carlee Dollar’s Family